Friday, 6 September 2013

Wonderful Creator

- To worship him daily and run errands;

He gave us the angels to execute his commands

- For the place to meet our birth;

He gave us the earth, a place rich in wealth

- To continue to live and not meet our death;

He gave us the air we breath

- To have water and be sanitary;

He gave us the oceans, rivers and sea

- To sustain us and ensure we maintain our structure;

He gave us the plants and animals so affable in nature

- To provide light and heat to rule the day;

He gave us the sun to guide our way

- To rule and give light in the night;

He gave us the moon & stars to guide our steps aright

- To continue his creation as stated in the scriptures;

He gave us dominion over his creatures

- To redeem us, so we can be his all the more;

He gave us his only son, of a virgin bore

- To enjoy everlasting life he has given;

He gave us heaven, a place of haven

- To the maker of all things wonderful;

He gave us all things beautiful.......................




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. To him only deserve all our praise.excellent,majesty,the father to the fatherless,husband to the widows,the lion of the tribe of judah.who can understand ur ways? creator of heaven n earth, our wonderfull jesus.
